creating a nonprofit for fun! and profit?

Last week I did a post about what a friends group geared towards the Wacissa River might look like. This week I take it a step further and research what it takes to form a nonprofit in Florida. Google searches brought out all sorts of websites. Like any grouping of search results, most weren't helpful or were full of junk. A few, however, actually gave some insight as to what it would take to get this thing up and running!

The Florida Department of State, as you might expect, has the official methodology buuuut, it's certainly not the most user friendly of language, websites, or what actually needs to happen. There are two other websites that I stumbled across that, although not official, gave very helpful information as to what would actually need to happen. On that note, I've taken steps from all three sites and put them together into what you see below. At the end of the post, you'll see a smattering of links that will get you to where this information came from.

Some of the items have to happen, some of the items are recommended, some have to happen in a certain order, and others can happen any time throughout the process. Just remember, if you’re going to jump in, make sure you can swim. Or at least have swimmies and a life jacket.

Oh, and save your pennies, this stuff all adds up.


OK. So. This is normally where I would copy and paste the document I wrote in Google docs. Or embed it. But it was giving me fits, and the formatting was an issue. So click on through to the document to see the good stuff. It shouldn't ask for a credit card.

Official FL Department of State Websites

Other Helpful Links


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